So, imagine Yourself for a moment in the cabin of a spaceship - around You there are hundreds of various buttons, sensors, displays, switches, levers, etc! And the most terrible thing is that you were appointed a pilot and said: "Take off!" I felt this way myself, for the first time I discovered Rhino. That's why I perfectly understand how terrible You are now! This is now I am the Ace-pilot and able to perform aerobatics figures on this ship that are practically inaccessible to anyone else. But at one time I also just sat there staring in horror at the dashboard!
Well, now imagine yourself a pilot, even if not an Ace, but at least passed the initial flight training, and at least knowing how to take off, how to operate this huge spacecraft and how to land it! Imagine that all these buttons, panels and data windows now do not represent a great difficulties for You - You know exactly what they are for and what You need to do with them - You calmly lead Your imaginary spaceship to the goal thought the endless 3D space, feeling complete confidence in Your abilities!
Have You imagined both of these situations? So, the first situation is what You are experiencing now - before the studing the Rhino Starter, and the second - is how You will feel after - easily, calmly and confidently - You are not yet an Ace, but already not a kettle! This is Your ship! You feel here quite comfortable and perfectly oriented on it! Even supernumerary situations can not nock You out of the rut, because You were taught how to behave in the event of the majority of undesirable incidents. From now on - You are a confident Rhinoceros user!
Just imagine - only 6 hours ago You have run the program and have no idea where to start. And now You can easily manage this machine! Hard to believe? But it really is! As I said, Rhinoceros is not very difficult to learn if You are lucky with the instructor. By the way, about the instructor...